#4338 | | Oliver's Law: Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
#4339 | | Olmstead's Law: After all is said and done, a hell of a lot more is said than done.
#4340 | | omnibiblious, adj.: Indifferent to type of drink. Ex: "Oh, you can get me anything. I'm omnibiblious."
#4341 | | On ability: A dwarf is small, even if he stands on a mountain top; a colossus keeps his height, even if he stands in a well. -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4BC - 65AD
#4342 | | On the subject of C program indentation: "In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be indented six feet downward and covered with dirt." -- Blair P. Houghton
#4343 | | On-line, adj.: The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.
#4344 | | Once, adv.: Enough. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
#4345 | | One Page Principle: A specification that will not fit on one page of 8.5x11 inch paper cannot be understood. -- Mark Ardis
#4346 | | "One size fits all": Doesn't fit anyone.
#4347 | | One-Shot Case Study, n.: The scientific equivalent of the four-leaf clover, from which it is concluded all clovers possess four leaves and are sometimes green.
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