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| #4341 | | On ability: A dwarf is small, even if he stands on a mountain top; a colossus keeps his height, even if he stands in a well. -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4BC - 65AD
| | #4342 | | On the subject of C program indentation: "In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be indented six feet downward and covered with dirt." -- Blair P. Houghton
| | #4343 | | On-line, adj.: The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.
| | #4344 | | Once, adv.: Enough. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
| | #4345 | | One Page Principle: A specification that will not fit on one page of 8.5x11 inch paper cannot be understood. -- Mark Ardis
| | #4346 | | "One size fits all": Doesn't fit anyone.
| | #4347 | | One-Shot Case Study, n.: The scientific equivalent of the four-leaf clover, from which it is concluded all clovers possess four leaves and are sometimes green.
| | #4348 | | Optimism, n.: The belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, good, bad, and everything right that is wrong. It is held with greatest tenacity by those accustomed to falling into adversity, and most acceptably expounded with the grin that apes a smile. Being a blind faith, it is inaccessible to the light of disproof -- an intellectual disorder, yielding to no treatment but death. It is hereditary, but not contagious.
| | #4349 | | optimist, n.: A proponent of the belief that black is white.
A pessimist asked God for relief. "Ah, you wish me to restore your hope and cheerfulness," said God. "No," replied the petitioner, "I wish you to create something that would justify them." "The world is all created," said God, "but you have overlooked something -- the mortality of the optimist." -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
| | #4350 | | optimist, n: A bagpiper with a beeper.
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